Welcome to the Bullseye Sailing Association

Bullseye National Championship August 22 - 24, 2025


2025 Bullseye Nationals will be August 22, 23 and 24, 2025 at Beverly Yacht Club in Marion, Massachusetts!

Bullseye National Championship July 25 - 27, 2024

The 61st Bullseye National Championship and the 4th Bullseye Single-Handed Championship this summer was held in Winter Harbor, Maine at the Winter Harbor Yacht Club.

Regatta Homepage

Bullseye Nationals
Winter Haven Clubhouse

The purpose of the Association shall be:

  • To promote use of the fiberglass Bullseye as a family boat, and for recreational sailing.
  • To provide specifications and rules in regard to hull, spars and sails in order to protect one-design aspects of the fiberglass Bullseye, and to insure uniformity and safety in racing.
  • To establish communication between individual owners, and groups of owners, of fiberglass Bullseyes, by means of newsletters and an Association Bullseye publication.
  • To encourage participation by owners of fiberglass Bullseyes in racing.

The following pages describe the Cape Cod Shipbuilding Bullseye one-design sailboat, its Herreshoff design heritage, and the group of owners known as the Bullseye Sailing Association. Also included are the complete Constitution, the Technical Specifications A-D, the Technical Specifications E Sails and Regattas Rules of the Bullseye Sailing Association, the results of past National Regattas, some helpful hints for the care and feeding of Bullseyes, listings of sailmakers, trailer manufacturers, a photo gallery of Bullseyes under sail and more.

The Bullseye Sailing Association

Fleets located all along the East Coast keep in touch through the Bullseye Newsletter, which is packed with sailing tips, stories, regatta information, and results. We have members all over the country, but the chartered fleets race out of Key Largo FL, Fishers Island NY, Saunderstown RI, Marion and Rockport MA, and Southwest Harbor ME. Everyone comes together for the Bullseye National Regatta. The location of the regatta rotates, which allows for a change of scenery. Come join the fun, and , if you have an active fleet, consider becoming a chartered fleet.

The Constitution and Rules have been changed so that "Bullseye Sailing Association" replaces every occurrence of "Bullseye Class Association", and "BSA" replaces every occurrence of "BCA".

Fleets located all along the East Coast keep in touch through the Bullseye Newsletter, which is packed with sailing tips, stories, regatta information, and results. We have members all over the country, but the chartered fleets race out of Key Largo FL, Fishers Island NY, Saunderstown RI, Marion and Rockport MA, and Southwest Harbor ME. Everyone comes together for the Bullseye National Regatta. The location of the regatta rotates, which allows for a change of scenery. Come join the fun, and , if you have an active fleet, consider becoming a chartered fleet.

Bullseye Sailboat
Length Overall15’ 8.5"
Waterline Length12’ 6.75"
Beam5’ 10"
Draft2’ 5"
Lead Keel750 lbs.
Displacement1350 lbs.
Sail Area140 sq. ft.

How to Join the Bullseye Sailing Association

Dues are payable to the Bullseye Association, and are due January 1 each year.

Membership information is available on the Members page for dues current members only (requires a log in). Your information can be edited on-line or you may complete the Membership Form or Club Membership Form. You have the option of paying your dues by check, sent to the Treasurer, or by using your credit card or PayPal account through PayPal by logging in as a member on our website Members page. Pay dues from your membership information page. New members may create an account at the New Membership page. New members are accepted by an officer and are listed after dues are paid.

Dues options:

  • $30 Individual membership (one vote)
  • $50 Family membership for two persons over the age of 18, living in the same household (two votes) There is no requirement that families purchase a family membership. In cases where two people are both very active in the Association and both want to vote, it is an option and a great way to better support the Class.
  • $100 Club membership

The Bullseye Sailing Association is not operated or controlled by Cape Cod Shipbuilding. As a member of the Association, Cape Cod Shipbuilding has an equal vote in the future success of the Bullseye Sailing Association. The Bullseye Sailing Association is grateful for the support that Cape Cod Shipbuilding has always provided to the Association.

Bullseye Logo
If your club burgee is not here contact the Bullseye Webmaster using the Contact Form to have it added.
Check us on Facebook
Buzzards Yacht Club
Beverly Yacht Club
Deer Isle Yacht Club
Marblehead Yacht Club
Saunderstown Yacht Club
Eastern Yacht Club
South West Harbor Fleet
Winter Harbor Yacht Club
Little Cranberry Yacht Club
Card Sound Sailing Club
Cottage Park Yacht Club
Fishers Island Yacht Club
Sandy Bay Yacht Club
Cohasset Yacht Club
Cape Cod Shipbuilding Co.

© 2025 Bullseye Sailing Association, c/o PO Box 1145, Marion , MA 02738
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